Friday, February 1, 2008

What to do over the weekend?

1. Twiddle my thumbs as I wait impatiently for my new laptop to arrive

1.a. Call the laptop sales guy 63rd time to ask him intelligent questions about laptop configuration and stuff. Most of the times, I forget what is bigger and better - MB or GB (and to think that technology is supposed to make our lives simpler!)

[flickr image from Daveblog]

2. Get some therapy

2.a. I meant retail therapy :D. Afterall, I have the Feb bazaar to launch on the 15th!

3. Steal my husband's laptop to 'talk' to you, while he sleeps ;)

1. It's the weekend! Have fun!!

2. The Jan bazaar closes on Feb 3rd (Sunday) at 6p India time. So go ahead and shop to your heart's content before it closes!


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