Saturday, March 27, 2010

Eggs...Eggs...Eggs...Easter is all about those rounded beauties!

                                                                 (picture via:
(picture via:

Easter is just around the corner and I am looking forward to create something special this year. I found this little project the other day on Darby website and I am definitely up for the challenge. It is not too complicated but so sweet and it will make a great little present for family and friends. I am little short on time (Derby says that you need about 2 weeks for the grass to get long and beautiful), but I am hoping to be ready by 5th of April! (fingers crossed).

If you are up for a challenge then here are instructions to how to create your own little grass eggs:
First and for most save your eggs (with us it's easy, because Balazs makes us a soft boil egg each morning....tick). Then you should fill each egg with potting soil and then water the soil before putting it in the eggs. Sometimes potting soil doesn’t like to (or takes a while to) absorb water, give it time and fill each egg a little over half way. The grass seed you can get in your local flower shop or gardening centre and I bet it’s very cheap. You should add a spoonful of grass to each egg and then lightly water the seeds. Of course you should put the shells in a sunny window, and don’t forget to water them about every other day.

Happy Planting!!!!!

While concentrating on this shell project I started to think about all things eggs, and egg cups and did you know that one egg provides more than 6 grams of high-quality protein, a range of essential B vitamins, and all the amino acids your body needs to preserve and build muscle mass, according to a recently published study in the journal Nutrition Today. That's a pretty good deal!
Scrambled, devilled, or hard-boiled (my favourite) eggs are easy to make and a great protein bust for the morning and lets not forget that egg is one of our most flexible foods, the little oval can be whipped up for a satisfying, on-the-spot meal or made ahead and packed to go and provides a great energy bust, which I find necessary in the morning.
I am on the mission to bring you 10 great and easy breakfast recipes (watch this space...I hope I can post them tomorrow).
Of course what would be an egg without a stylish, funny or cosy egg cup. Here are a few of my favourites:

Make a ho-hum morning a little more special with these fun and fanciful chicken feet egg cups. Made from porcelain! Dishwasher, microwave and oven safe. Set of 4 costs 15.95$ from
Perfect for the breakfast table these egg shaped ceramic salt and pepper shakers are a wonderful addition to any table and they match the yellow egg cups....adorable :). You can get those in for 12.95$ per set.

If you're ever in need of an egg cup at the bottom of the ocean one of these creatures will come in handy. With eight tentacles to fend off predators, your boiled egg will be well protected and there'll be no fear of Mr Shark getting his fins on it. You don't have to be under water to enjoy this egg cup though, as it works just as well on dry land, on your plate. It is very different from traditional egg cups and it's great for making breakfast fun, especially for kids. You will receive one egg cup in red, blue, pink or purple for just £3.59 from

Breakfast is such a groovy time of day, baby! Well alright most of us aren't quite up to full speed at 7am but this retro egg cup will raise a smile when it pulls up in front of you. This is also the much sought after split screen version of the famous VW camper van that is the vehicle of choice for every beach loving surf boiled egg. Isn't that just fantastic and it costs only £9.55 for the 3 car set. Wow!!!

This is one of my absolute favourites. It is soooooo French with those adorable stripes all tall, elegant and presented in a lovely gift box, is just the thing for a sophisticated early morning boiled egg and it costs just £8.55 at
Here is a set of 4 coloured egg cups. Geometri 1 was designed for the hotel/restaurant Astoria in Trodheim, Norway and is today one of Verner Panton's best known patterns. Geometri 1 consists of circles and squares which are arranged in different proportions. Those designs are created by: Verner Panton & Pernille Vea who is just genius!!! Those egg cups are little bit more expensive and they come with a price tag of £24.95 for the set of 4 from It is so worth every penny. Don't you think so?

The last but not the least. Here is a beautiful, more sophisticated egg cup for the artist in you - a striking egg cube and spoon design that will make a visual statement at the breakfast table. This beauty was created by Kathleen Hills and it’s on a retail price of £17.50. If you are interested you can order it from

All that egg talk made me hungry for some egg omelette. Make sure to check the blog later for some great egg recipes.
What eggs you like to eat for breakfast or anytime of the day? Have a lovely sunny Saturday, darlings.

Talk to you soon,


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