Wednesday, March 24, 2010

turner for breakfast

Today, through no merit of my own, I was invited to a "private viewing" of the Turner exhibition in Paris.   You will not be impressed to know that I unceremoniously dumped all the Wednesday school runs into my husband's lap (he is the best of men) and accepted an invitation to have breakfast!!!  at Le Grand Palais, and then walk around the show before the crowds arrive.

How will I ever be able to do a normal museum visit again?!!  This has spoilt me for life!

Here I'm showing you my favourites from the show, but it was all
great.  The theme is Turner and the painters who influenced him.

Nobody does light like Turner, disappearing horizons either.  Hard
to believe we're looking at an 19th century painter here, it's so modern.

The exhibition has already been to London, and will move to
Madrid after Paris.  Hope you get the chance to see it.

If you want to see more click here


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