Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back, but not all here

Hi everyone! I'm experiencing some serious burn out this week. We had a wonderful two-week "vacation" to Arizona, and while it was wonderful to visit with family, there was not much relaxing happening. And flying alone cross-country with three little ones was not such a treat, though that went better than expected. We got home last night at 1:00 am and my body totally fell apart. The dreaded flu.

To add to all that, I'm seriously feeling the weight of a neglected business and blog right now. I'm so sorry to friends and clients/potential clients that I owe emails to. And SO sorry that I have not posted all week! Bad Jenny.

On a better note, we finished my parent's bedroom on Saturday and it is really beautiful. I have all sorts of great before and afters for you that I promise to post tomorrow (hopefully) and on Saturday to make up for the radio silence this week.

I'm going to try to sleep off this flu and then hit the keyboard like it's nobody's business. Talk soon.


PS just because I hate to do a post without any design inspiration, I'll share these awesome little pendants from IKEA that I spied this week (wish I could find the link). They have about a 5 inch diameter.

They are battery operated and hang from your ceiling on a string (AKA no hard wiring required). Love the modern shade style and the black, white or red color options. And you can't beat the price: $20. A great option for us renters with boring kitchens. What about hanging a series of these over a kitchen bar with some 1/2" wide gold chain from Home Depot? cool.


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