Monday, March 22, 2010

DIY Inspiration: Bold Wallpaper

So, on a whim last fall, we bought 3 rolls of this cool retro wallpaper from Graham & Brown, called Boheme: Green. 

We intend to install it on a wall in our kitchen, and it will (hopefully) look something like this:

The project is a bit intimidating, which is likely why we haven't done it yet.  A big linear pattern in an old home with crooked walls just scares me.  AND I believe the color is now discountinued.  AND I'm not entirely convinced we ordered enough to allow any room for error. 

There are so many great wallpapers out there now that wallpaper has made a comeback.  I'm loving all the bold patterns I'm seeing.  For your own inspiration, here are some great images I've collected.

(image source unknown)

from cococozy (paper by Graham & Brown)

(image source unknown)


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