that you are shouting at.
That you are calling a liar before America and the rest of the world.
(everything in this post refers to the FAR RIGHT of the REPUBLICAN party)
You and 'yours' are the liars.
The bigots.
The mean spirited.
The greedy and selfish....and you hide behind your bible thumping family values.
What a sick and revolting joke the far right of your party has become.
You and your 'far right Republicans' are destructive to society.
Pure poison.
You , and your party members are so far removed from reality that it is feeling 'dangerous' in this country.
You are dangerous.
How dare you dis-respect MY PRESIDENT !
More importantly, how is it that you would be so BOLD?
For some reason you must have felt safe enough to do so. Hmmmm.......
That is what scares me.
Your party just got caught with it's pants down,
While your mouth was wide open, spewing hatred and insults.
The true colors of the Republican party.
It just burns you up (and The Far Right Republican Party) doesn't it ?
A black man in the White House.
America's Best Man in the White House.
You, Joe Wilson, could not shine President Obama's shoes.
Although.... I would give anything to see you do it!!!
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