The worst of the damage appears to be near the curb line and away from the intricate parts of the artwork. However a closer look reveals cracking farther into the work, but this area does not appear to be severely heaved.
The Art Deco portico by Wischmeyer & Murphy was completed in 1939, the terrazzo mural however was not installed until 1971. It was designed by Nancy Day, a student at Washington University who won a design contest for the floor at the main entrance of the Muny.
According to a Channel 5 News report, Sean Smith, the Director of Operations at the Muny is pessimistic that the artwork can be saved at all and the report states that a bare concrete slab may greet theater goers the summer! This seems like an extreme view, given that much of the artwork appears un-damaged. The report goes on to mention that the water main will be re-located out into the street so that it can never again cause problems for the building.
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