(photos via Coco Cake)
Have you even heard of “The Hungry Caterpillar"story? Kids adore it and parents find it inspiring. It's a very simple story about a little caterpillar who likes to eat and then as all caterpillars do, changes into a beautiful butterfly .The other day while browsing I noticed this great cupcake caterpillar which looks exactly like the one from the story. This piece of art was created by a Vancouver based Cupcake company called "
Coco Cake ". What’s endearing about the "Coco Cake" is that the little place is run by artist and fun-loving baker Lyndsay Sung. Coco Cake cupcakes are handmade, artisan cupcakes baked from scratch, decorated with love and a vintage aesthetic. Doesn’t that look and sound delicious?
Happy Monday to you all,
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